technological collaboration
@ Big Science market
BIGINN marks a new beginning for business and Big Science Innovation.
Big Science is an international market that involves business partnerships between different sector entities and large-scale Big Science infrastructures, such as CERN, F4E, ESA, ELI, and others. Infrastructures like these not only open the development opportunities for the scientists but also face high demand for a variety of products and services. Billion-dollar budgets are spent to meet that need. Big Science market may therefore be a platform for business development and technical innovation for the benefit of SMEs.
Having that in mind, the consortium partners BigScience.dk (Denmark), INEUSTAR (Spain), and LITEK™ (Lithuania) have joined forces for the ClusterXchange program to mobilize clusters in order to exploit the potential of innovation and international cooperation from the Big Science market by tapping into the huge investments into state-of-the-art technology in this field.
“It has been a really inspiring trip. This has been very good hands-on days with presentations and workshops mixed with networking. It has been very fruitful to be on the spot to understand the complexity of these industries. Very good to actually see the things. One can read a lot, but being here is a different story.”
“This visit has been an opportunity to meet new customers who work in the same sector as CERN. We have also met other suppliers who might need us a sup-supplier to be able to bid for the larger projects. It has been particularly interesting to see the facilities LIVE. These machines are so large and impressive.”
“The event is very well organized. DEM is showing their capabilities within the BigScience market. Is looking for new opportunities and new collaboration partners. Has been very useful to present the DEM services for 15 people from XFEL, this is really unique. Elsewhere DEM never gets the opportunity to present to so many people from one organization at the same time.”
Very grateful for the large participation at this event. This event has led to the companies not only talking about product, but about technologies that can contribute to building and developing the XFEL facility. And provide service. This has been very inspiring for the staff at XFEL: It has been particularly interesting to listen to presentations of micro machining, because this is a challenge for XFEL: But also, presentations in the software area has been useful.”

A new beginning for business and Big Science innovation
This website was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.
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