BIGINN Partnership invites SMEs, clusters, research centres and other scale-up organizations to meet Laser Science & Innovation in Vilnius, Lithuania on 22-24 March, 2023. Participants will have an opportunity to know more about Lithuania’s laser ecosystem, meet new business partners, learn about the needs and challenges in developing high-power laser technologies, know more about Big Science research and capabilities at Extreme Light Infrastructure – ELI, and benefit from networking to identify new collaborative opportunities.
Eligible participants will have the access to the ClusterXchange mobility scheme’s 280 Eur lump-sum to cover travel and other participation expenses.
What you will do?
13.00 – 21.00
- Introduction to LT ecosystem
- Introduction to ELI
- Overview of Spain & Photonics industry
- Discussion on enhancing collaboration
- Visits to FIMTP campus
8.30 – 17.00
Workshop ton:
- High intensity lasers and applications
- Laser Accelerators
- Nuclear Physics
- Flash VHEE radiotherapy
- ELI opportunities
- Discussion with LT research community
- Visit to FTMC Sauletekis campus
8.30 – 17.00
Visiting companies/research
What you will meet?
Lithuanian laser association brings together institutions and enterprises for the development of its activities in “Photonic and laser technologies”. Scientific laser research in Lithuania was started in the seventh decade of the last century. Due to the intensive research activities performed by scientists of Vilnius University and the Institute of Physics, Lithuania now is one of the largest exporters of specific laser systems in the world.
Achievements of scientists and engineers created the conditions for Lithuania to become the Founding Member of ELI ERIC, established in 2021.
The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) is an international series of physics laboratories for generating and studying intense laser light. It is part of the European ESFRI Roadmap. ELI hosts the most intense beamline system worldwide, develop new interdisciplinary research opportunities with light from these lasers and secondary radiation derived from them, and make them available to the international scientific user community. ELI aims to be the world’s biggest and first international user facility in beamline and laser research.
Why to participate?
- Immerse within the Lithuania’s laser innovation ecosystem
- Know more about Extreme Light Infrastructure
- Increase your knowledge in the development and application of high power lasers
- Identify new business opportunities
- Expand network
Who can participate?
Everyone. But to receive financial support of 280 € an eligible entity should be from from COSME country (excl. Germany, in this event) which is:
- A cluster or similar business network organization
- A scaling-up support organization (technology centre, research institute, fab-lab, resource-efficiency service provider, [digital] innovation hub, creative hub, incubator, or accelerator) that is a cluster or a similar business network organisation member
- A small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) that is a cluster or a similar business network organisation member
BIGINN: A new beginning for business and Big Science Innovation project ( co-funded by COSME program (GA No. 101037928, COS-CLUSTER-2020-3-03-1). BIGINN partnership is willing to unlock the innovation potential of clusters in relationship with Big Science organizations and bring SMEs and other interested parties closer to Big Science market