On 9-10th of February 2022, at the headquarter of Danish Technological Institute, BigScience.dk cluster, project “BIGINN” was officially launched. It is a 24-month project that pursues the objective of mobilizing clusters in order to exploit the potential of innovation and international cooperation from the Big Science market.
According to Esther Davidsen, BIGINN Coordinator and & Senior Specialist at BigScience.dk, the kick-off was productive, inspiring, and very promising. “The Big Science market has grown massively over the last 10 years, and many countries are setting up support offices, to help their companies gain access to the market. BIGINN will professionalize the business services and create true international best practice knowledge. The project will enlarge the Big Science community and create a clearer and more structured Big Science business ecosystem with specific services” – she adds.
BIGINN will be carried out by 3 European clusters, coming from different countries: BigScience.dk (Denmark), INEUSTAR (Spain) and LITEK™ (Lithuania). The project is co-funded under the COSME program from the European Union and has a total budget of 496 261 EUR (GA No. 101037928, COS-CLUSTER-2020-3-03-1).

About the BIGINN
Large-scale research infrastructures – so-called Big Science organizations (BSO) like CERN, ITER/Fusion for Energy, European Spallation Source (ESS), Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI), European Space Agency (ESA) and others – represent huge European public investments and act as drivers for innovation with a vast impact on society. Since all BSOs target global leadership within their respective fields, they often require technology solutions on the forefront of what is possible, requesting advanced supplies and seeking innovative SMEs to co-develop new solutions suiting the needs of state-of-the-art facilities.
Having that in mind, the partners behind BIGINN see Big Science market as a platform for business development and technical innovation for the benefit of SMEs. BIGINN operate under the hypothesis that there is a huge under-exploited potential for innovation and international collaboration based on the technological needs and procurements from the Big Science market.
That is why BigScience.dk, INEUSTAR and LITEK™ have joined forces for the ClusterXchange programme to address the specific challenges of the topic:
- Improve SME global competitiveness by establishing international relations and collaborations
- Employ cluster mobility schemes to implement cross-fertilization of innovation opportunities at the different clusters
- Strengthen and professionalize cluster management skills in the new area of Big Science clusters
360º Xchanges
Alongside typical ClusterXchanges, the BIGINN project will elaborate and coordinate specific “360º Xchange” agendas, covering a complete immersive experience in the environment of Big Science in a specific region. This will include group visits to Big Science facilities, workshops, conferences, visits to the local stakeholders, networking activities and other ad-hoc activities tailored to the ecosystem.
ClusterXchange and “360º Xchange” are open to all entities from countries participating in the COSME program of the European Union. Interested entities can register on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform under one of the following organizational profiles:
- A cluster or similar business network organization
- A scaling-up support organization (technology centre, research institute, fab-lab, resource-efficiency service provider, [digital] innovation hub, creative hub, incubator or accelerator) that is a cluster member
- A small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) that is a cluster member
BIGINN partnership
BigScience.dk works to promote Danish skills and know-how on the Big Science market. It coordinates a network composed of highly qualified companies able to deliver products and services matching the needs of Big Science organizations and their prime contractors. Project leader.
INEUSTAR, the Spanish Science Industry Association, is a Spanish, non-profit, professional and private association made up by industrial companies dedicated to the conception, design, construction, exploitation and maintenance of the scientific instruments and facilities, in order to contribute to the progress of science and technology, as well as to the strengthening of the innovation.
Laser and Engineering Technologies Cluster (LITEK™) – a Lithuanian-based cluster of companies and organizations that specializes in manufacturing and development of world-class laser and engineering technologies. A wide range of activities of cluster and its members allows the development of comprehensive products and services through added-value collaboration, carrying out joint R&D and Innovations oriented projects, Industry 4.0 related services and products.
This publication was funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme.
The content of this publication represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
More information:
Contact details: eda@teknologisk.dk